podcast / freebies

Do you enjoy listening to podcasts? Tune into my own creation – Going Guilt Free.

This podcast is designed for the people pleasers, rescuers and fixers of this world who are exhausted and drained and fed up with not being seen! It’s time to break those patterns of self sabotaging behaviour and put yourself first, get over the past and learn how to enjoy this messy life without feeling guilty.

Free resources to download

10 ways to know if you are stuck in ‘victim mode’

Do you often feel like everything is going wrong for you? You are always waiting for the other shoe to drop and feel like you are the only one who feels like that?

Download my free guide for clear steps of how to shift your mindset.

Are you a people pleaser checklist?

Do you often feel like everything is going wrong for you? You are always waiting for the other shoe to drop and feel like you are the only one who feels like that?

Download my free guide for clear steps of how to shift your mindset.

Release Your Inner People Pleaser

Are you ready to start making some changes to how you feel and do things? Is it time to start to put yourself first but it feels overwhelming?Download my FREE 10 minute guided mediation and make it a part of a daily practice to kickstart the changes you want to make. Click here to access the recording.

5 Things I wish I’d known before

The more clients I work with, the more I see how much fear gets in our way. We can desperately want to feel differently and want to change our lives but once fear gets hold of us we get stuck.

But what I know to be true is that feat does not tell the truth. Fear is there telling you to believe that the worst will happen, that you can’ t cope and that you had better stay exactly where you are and so often we listen to that part of us and end up frustrated that we can’t seem to break out of our cycles of thinking.

If you would like to move past the fear and get clearer on the path ahead, download my free guide now. It will help put your mind at rest! Download your free guide here.