client journey

Does this sound familiar to you?

You desperately want to feel the joy and happiness you know is somewhere beneath the surface covered over with layers of hurt, defensiveness, anger, guilt. You often feel overwhelmed with emotions.

You have so much to be grateful for in your life but you feel guilty for not being able to appreciate the positive, so you beat yourself up for not being happy.

You replay conversations over and over in your mind kicking yourself for not sounding more confident, not being not witty, worried that you have a made a fool of yourself. Confidence has not felt present in you for a very long time.

Things have become so mixed up that you are not even sure who you are anymore. You look for approval everywhere. Looking for someone to tell what to do next. What to feel, how to think. You are looking for permission.

Somewhere beneath the surface

Do you find yourself thinking?

  • “Everything is hard, everything is a struggle.”
  • “I don’t know how to do it.”
  • “I don’t deserve it. I feel guilty.” 
  • “I feel inadequate, invisible and insignificant.”

You are holding yourself tight, stuffing down the negative emotions and feeling numb, you are not even sure what you need anymore. You want transformation but you don’t know how, there are so many layers, you don’t even know where to begin.

We can support you

I support people who are not sure what to do next but want change. Working with me will help you see things in a way you never thought possible and help you bring to the surface your intuition that has been buried deep for so long, enable you to trust yourself and the world again.

I want to show you how to give yourself permission to feel your feelings again without feeling overwhelmed.

This way of living is not your fault, most of us have not been shown how to process our feelings so we go through our lives in shut down. It becomes too much to bear, we can’t take anymore emotional pain, so we close out.

Hoping that if we don’t look at it then it won’t affect us. you can’t block out the darkness without blocking out the light. By not feeling the negative you are unable to feel the positive too. There is another way…

How much are you holding back in your life because you are not giving yourself the permission, or you are waiting for someone to give it to you? Consider this your permission slip right here!

How long are you going to spend wishing things were different? I can help you take action!

What if you could peel back those layers of guilt, judgment, and shame. Let go of the stories that you are telling yourself about why you are stuck.  The resentment, the frustration and needing to control everything around you. I will help you:

  • Learn that you do not have to do everything for everyone 
  • Feel safe to let go of the past
  • Let go of the need to control 
  • Release the fear of being disliked
  • Stop people pleasing
  • Say no without shrinking in discomfort
  • Discover the real you and like who you are

Imagine feeling good in your own skin. Being able to recognise what YOU actually need and being able to provide that for yourself whilst also asserting your needs to those around you.

Creating space for what you want, space to feel.

Imagine not second guessing yourself, not questioning your decisions. Trusting in your judgment.

Imagine being free of the turmoil, believing in yourself and having a voice that is confident and strong. 

You can be resourced, resilient, reflective and able to cope with life’s challenges. 

Creating space for what you want, space to feel

If my words feel true for you, let’s talk

Find out more about working 1:1 with me.