about me

“If not now when? If not you, who?”

This quote floored me when I first read it a few years ago and I realised that I was not acting as the architect of my own life.

You see I had spent many years a victim of circumstance, in emotional turmoil and always waiting for the next thing to go wrong. I always found the negative in every situation, felt like the whole world was against me and constantly judging me and I was often on the defensive. 

I was in pain both physically and mentally and felt like I had no autonomy over my own existence. Honestly, I felt so powerless.

Now don’t get me wrong, I have a HUGE amount to be grateful for but the weight of my emotions had been dragging me down for so long I felt like I would never shed the extra baggage. I was terrified that I would not feel the joy I so desperately wanted to feel, ever again.

Sarah Dodsley Coach

Like so many people I have been through counselling and therapy, but I never really felt like I got to the heart of my problems. Over the course of 25 years I had experienced crippling anxiety, periods of depression that kept me bed bound. I often shut myself away, isolated from my family and friends and unable to face the difficulties and stresses of life.

The therapy I went through really helped me in the short term to deal with the overwhelm and stress and I would often feel better for a while but ultimately I would end up stressed out, unwell and grappling for answers that were not forthcoming. I was always looking to change my external world and frightened to go within. Probably too scared as to what I would find deep inside.

I have always been a talker, I love a deep and meaningful, I want to know what makes you tick, I want to know your struggles and challenges and what keeps you awake at night. Why? My purpose in life is to help others, to be of service, to enable change and support you as you discover the magic you have inside of you. Let me tell you more about how I got to where I am now…

Sarah and her dog on the beach

My working life has been diverse and has created powerful pathways to where I am now. I am able to alchemise all of the incredible experiences I have had into my work with my 1:1 clients. 

My 7 year career in the police showed me some of the most challenging and heart breaking situations that expanded my understanding of the difficulties that people have and really galvanised my idea of justice and fairness.

It created the drive in me to show clients how they can make transformation happen for themselves and be accountable for those goals. I worked as a detective in one of the busiest London boroughs so there wasn’t much I didn’t see or experience in policing at that time, it was so eye opening.

My desire to help empower others has also led me into a 10 year teaching career which has helped me understand how we learn and also how to create lasting change in our lives.

Coaching found me 13 years ago and transformed my life. Using all of the valuable experiences I had gathered throughout my previous careers I was able to see how taking responsibility for our own path is the only way to create lasting change in our lives.

I have trained in different coaching methods which I weave into my sessions with clients and personally tailor the work to my clients need.

I am now so grateful that not only am I able to help people create their visions for the future, work out and step over the obstacles that are in their way but I am able to help my clients work through the emotional pain and trauma and create a safe space to heal and look forward with real hope.

I have experienced first-hand as a client, all of the methods I have trained in and I have finally found a formula that truly works for me and it can for you too. I continue to do my own development work as I wholeheartedly believe that we are all a work in progress. I am always open to learning more about myself which will make me a better coach for you. 

I work with motivated people who are truly committed to dealing with what is really holding them back. You don’t have to know all the answers but you know that you are ready for more and ready to let go of the past.

If you know you want things to be different but not sure where to start book in a FREE 20 minute call with me, I will work with you to create the vision and bring alchemy to the mix so we can create your personal dreams and bring it to life.

My purpose in life is to help others, my vision is to empower as many people as possible to recognise that we do not have to live our lives defined by our limiting negative beliefs and past experiences.

Check out my links below to see for what this can look like for you.