Why I could be your coach

3rd January 2021

So coaching has become a real buzz word in recent years and if you have never experienced the magic of good coaching, you may be wondering what it could do for you and why you might embark on a coaching journey with me.

Before I answer that question, let me ask you: when did you last feel joy? I mean pure joy, just for the hell of it. When was the last time you felt free of the to do list, no agenda, just being completely in the moment and living it? It’s been a while, huh?

It’s more likely that you’re feeling one of these:

I work with women all over the UK. I see patterns. There are so many talented, caring, creative, hardworking, amazing women, who are not living the lives they deserve. I see them holding on tight, stuffing down the negative emotions and feeling numb. They can feel so lost that they’re not sure what they need anymore. They want transformation but they don’t know how, they don’t know where to begin. Is this you, too? 

If you’re answering yes, then I can help. Working with me as a coach will help you see things in a way you never thought possible. I’ll help you bring your intuition to the surface, even if it’s been buried deep for a long time. I’ll empower you to trust yourself again. Together, we’ll create magic in your life where you have felt trapped and hopeless. I’ll take the dull, tarnished metal of your life and turn it to shining gold. I am your alchemist.

With me, you’ll give yourself permission to feel. You’ll see how every negative can be a catalyst for change. You will be able to move out of fearing the shadows, and welcome the light of hope and happiness.

But how do we do all of that? I hear you cry. Well, it’s different for everyone, and I tailor my approach to what each of my clients need. Let me share with you 3 non negotiables that I employ with every single one of my clients and are now just second nature to me and will really enable you to break free of your limiting beliefs.

That is one of the many reasons why working with me as a coach will transform your life. We can only rise as high as our limiting beliefs will allow us to. I can see beyond that and I will show you can too.

How do I show up as my true self? Well I make sure that I am not bringing any of my own baggage to our sessions. I take time before we work together to clear my mind and if I have something bothering me, I work through it with my own coaches (I have a number who I work with.) I monitor my own ego and subconscious while we are working to make sure my focus is 100% on you.

Empathy has been a blessing and a curse for me over my lifetime as I will often take on the emotions of others and this can be very draining. I now employ a number of techniques to keep my boundaries healthy so I do not physically take on the feelings of people I work with or spend time with. This also means I can really see potential in the most difficult of situations.

Ok, so how does this all work? The usual process is, you contact me here, for a no- obligation chat. We briefly talk through your needs. Then, we’ll schedule a weekly call where we work through what we need to. You’ll have some homework to do, and you’ll need to have an open mind. Bit by bit, I’ll bring you back to yourself.

For the whole of January I am offering £250 off the investment into my premium programme. This is my flagship package that provides the most amazing level of support that will set you on the path to feeling how you want to in as little as 3 months. Read more about your journey as a client with me here.

The details of how my 1:1 programme works is here.

Why not book in for a free 20 minute consultation here to see if we are good fit for each other.

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