Are you hardwired for laziness?

3rd September 2020

Do you find yourself always wanting to take the path of least resistance? Are you always looking for an easy way out of things? Finding it hard to motivate yourself to work out and choosing the TV or scrolling Facebook instead? Do you set new years resolutions, diet and exercise goals that fail shortly after starting?

Why is it that we struggle to make lasting change for ourselves? Well, according the University of British Columbia, this is a human trait, and essentially, we are hardwired for laziness. Hurrah, so this is good to know this is just a part of being human. Let’s put our feet up and have a cuppa to celebrate!

But what if you do want to change things? We often get drawn into the cheap deal, the next quick fix that has been promised to help us achieve our desires. Do these offers ever really result in the goal we had dreamed of? Not very often. Think about how we get drawn into those eye-catching empty promises, “lose a stone in 30 days.” “How to reduce stress in 5 easy steps” etc. etc. We begin our new ventures with wide eyes full of promise but quickly find ourselves losing our resolve and giving up. It now makes sense why we are often unable to sustain change, we are just wired that way!

The trouble with the quick, cheap fix that we embark upon in earnest is that even if we stick at it, the results don’t last. We may drop a few pounds in the short term or achieve a small amount of success towards our goal but, it is unlikely to be long lasting because the method is not actually addressing the heart of the issue – for example, weight loss is not always about the physical results in the long term, there are a number of deep routed emotional issues often at work too – worthiness being a big one. Also, it is easier for us to give up because we haven’t invested a huge amount of our time or money, but we are left even more frustrated because we still haven’t achieved our goal or made the changed that we desire.

Creating lasting change takes work, commitment, and investment. Nothing worth having comes easy right? I’m not saying that we should be slogging our guts out for our happiness or whatever it is we desire but we need to be committed to our cause. The University of British Columbia carried out a study that demonstrated how the brain has to work harder when we transition from an inactive to an active state. So that is why we find it so hard to get off the sofa and hit the gym! We need to make some choices and commit to habits that will help us take gradual steps towards our long-term vision if we are to be successful.

But please don’t give up and go back to weightlifting the remote control just yet, we just need to dig a little deeper and see the value of the change.

Let’s say your goal is to reduce stress and anxiety. There are some great things that we can do to help reduce the impact of feeling stressed and anxious – we can exercise, eat well, avoid alcohol, go to bed earlier and sleep better etc. All of these could be very very important to support yourself on a journey to managing stress. But, to really get to the route of stress and anxiety we must discover the negative core beliefs that are holding you in that stress pattern. One of my roles as a coach, using some pretty amazing techniques, is to help you uncover and unravel the route of the beliefs that are causing you to react to stress in a way that is significantly impacting on your life, the overwhelm, the panic, the fear, all of it!

Let’s say your goal is to get promoted at work or something else work related, together we can really define what the goal looks like and then figure out what may be holding you back from achieving it. In all the years I have been coaching, what I have found to always stand in our way of achieving our dreams is generally ourselves! The amazing coaching techniques I now use mean that we can apply them to whatever goal you have in mind or alternatively some previous trauma that you may want to release. Previous events and experiences in your life holding you back? I can help you gently release the trauma connected to them, so they are no longer ruling your life. We spend so much time blaming external events and people for our lives when taking control of them and taking responsibility for our emotions can be life changing. An amazing by-product of the work I do with my clients is resilience.

The s*** is never going to stop hitting the fan at various points in our lives but if we can build emotional resilience into our hearts and minds then we can deal with what life throws our way.

I want you to cast your mind into the future and see a vision of yourself – who do you want to see? What are the changes that you would like to make? If you are ready to step into the future then it’s time to say yes to you, make yourself a priority and invest in something that is actually going to enable you to drive that change forward.

In his book ‘’Luxury Fever, Robert Frank explains how spending money on ourselves is important and can contribute to happiness, but the long-lasting kind results from investing money in experiences not things. Happiness from stuff that we buy is fleeting and leaves us wanting more quickly.

I work with people who are committed and motivated to change, invest in themselves and let go of what is holding them back. If you are ready to do that then get in touch and let’s get started. Life is too short to waste another minute on not being the best version of you!

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