How do I know if I need to work with a coach?

31st December 2020

This is an important question. It doesn’t have one answer. Every client I work with comes to me for different reason, but there is a common theme. It would be a good idea for you to work with a coach if you desperately want to feel the happiness you know is somewhere beneath the surface, but you think it might be covered over with layers of hurt, defensiveness, anger and/ or guilt. You might also feel you have so much to be grateful for, but somehow, it doesn’t seem to be enough and you feel guilty for not being able to appreciate the positive.

You might be replaying conversations over and over in your mind. There may be negative self- talk, where you’re kicking yourself for not sounding more confident, not being not witty, worried that you have a made a fool of yourself. Confidence has not been in your vocabulary for a very long time.

Things may have become so mixed up that you are not even sure who you are anymore. You could be looking for approval everywhere, or looking for someone to tell what to do next. Do you feel it would be easier if someone was telling you what to feel, how to think? You are looking for permission to live, and be yourself.

This way of living is not your fault. And if you are feeling this way, then it would be a very good idea for you to work with a coach. We all go through so much in our lives that we shut down when it becomes too much to bear. We can’t take any more emotional pain, so we close down. It’s easy to think that if we don’t focus on the trauma we have faced, then it won’t affect us. But, it doesn’t work like that. No one can block out the darkness without also blocking out the light. By not feeling the negative, you are unable to feel the positive too. But, it doesn’t have to be this way. I can help you take action.

Together, we’ll peel back those layers of guilt, judgment, and shame. I can help you to let go of the stories that you are telling yourself about why you are stuck.  You’ll breathe deeply, and release all of the resentment, all of the frustration and all of the need to control. As your coach, I will help you:

Imagine feeling safe in your own skin. Imagine being able to recognise what YOU need and being able to provide that for yourself. Imagine being able to ask for what you need and feel worthy of having it.  Imagine not second guessing yourself, and trusting in your judgment.

Once you’ve worked with me, you’ll be empowered to believe in yourself and you’ll have a voice that is confident and strong. You can be resilient, reflective and able to cope with life’s challenges. You’ll feel open hearted, you can recognise a version of you and it feels sooooo good.

Are you ready? Let’s get going. Book a no- obligation chat right here. Find out more about how you can work 1:1 with me here.

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