1:1 coaching

Why Coaching?

What would it mean for you to be able to start making decisions about your life and trusting that you had made the right choices for you? What would it feel like to be able to carve out your own pathway without feeling like you are having to fulfil everyone else expectations of you?

Imagine knowing that you are resourced, and you have the resilience to face your fears and step forward into your future without worrying what anyone thinks of you? Without judging others from a place of fear and create wholehearted freedom to embrace ALL of your emotions because you accept that is the road to empowerment?

How much time do you spend battling with yourself over how you feel and panicking about whether you are enough? You feel like you always need to change to fit in this world and you are not sure where your place is? Everyone else seems to have it together and you are drowning in emotions and not sure what to deal with first.

You have read all the self-help books, perhaps you have explored counselling or therapy and you have worked hard to create balance but, you always end up stressed out, anxious and overwhelmed that once again you have failed to find the answers. You are not alone. You are always on the look out for the next new thing to help you fix your problems, there is so much on offer for you to choose, will anything ever actually work?

Why Coaching?

I know how you feel because I have been there too, I was always on the lookout for the shiny new thing that I was sure was going to fix my problems and I spent years and a lot of money doing it. It was totally exhausting and not only for me but for my loved ones around me who so desperately wanted me to be happy and find my confidence again. read more about my story in ‘About me

Coaching is different because it focuses on empowering individuals to reach their full potential through personalized guidance, accountability, and support. It is not simply talking it all through.  Coaching provides a tailored approach, fostering self-discovery and personal growth, while offering practical skills and tools for long-term success. With a focus on accountability and motivation, coaching creates a supportive, non-judgmental space for you to explore your true potential and make meaningful, holistic improvements in your life.

why work with me?

My 1:1 coaching work supports people who until now, have defined their own self-worth based on their past and present negative experiences and are living with confusion and chaos.

People who are restricting their own joy and worrying what everyone thinks of them. This experience will target the source of the emotional pain, release it without reliving it to create open hearted presence, internal peace and take you on a journey from fear to flourishing.

Based on my own experience and that of my clients I have created something very special for you, a fully immersive system that will support you on your own journey to self-discovery and self-belief.

I have over a decade of experience in supporting people in this way and I weave in many techniques and methods into my work with you. I continue to develop my approach and learn more each year.

I take my own professional development very seriously. I am accredited with European Mentoring and Coaching Council at Practitioner level and currently upgrading my qualification to Senior Practitioner.

I have other qualifications with EFTMRA and I can provide certificates on request. I also have regular supervision to ensure I am serving my clients to the best of my abilities.

Working with me can help you to release your inner turmoil, judgment, grudges, traumas and limiting self-beliefs without fear or overwhelm and become who you were always meant to be!

Sarah Dodsley Executive & Life Coach

So how does a 1:1 work?

I do not work in a prescriptive way. Everything is tailored to your needs.

Firstly, we will have a FREE 20 minute consultation call where we can talk through what you are looking for support with.

I can get a sense of where you are in your life and then I can talk you through how I can support you.

Whilst every client is different and I will always tailor our sessions to what you need, below are some common phases that will likely feature in our work together:


You know that you have internal work to do but you are overwhelmed and feeling in total chaos leaving you in a fog about where to begin.

The stories you tell yourself about how people are treating you, the blurred boundaries that mean you are constantly saying yes and feeling like you are always doing ALL the things, you are exhausted, stressed out and anxious.

Together we:

• Cut through the brain fog.
• Pinpoint the real problems.
• Link negative life experiences to your beliefs.
• Shed light on the real fear that keeps you stuck.
• Creating and build a mind and body connection.
• Learn coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety.


By tapping into our already established body and mind connection techniques, we can safely begin to work with the emotions that are creating blocks and start to release them.

This might include:

  • Letting go of stuck emotional pain.
  • Release trauma without reliving.
  • Alleviating stress, anxiety and physical symptoms.
  • Creating a sense of calm and internal peace.
  • Noticing the patterns of shame, blame and judgment.



With the foundations of our work together established, we can start to make long lasting changes that could include:

  • Create deep healing for childhood and adult trauma.
  • Develop and embed a positive, empowering system of authentic beliefs that become part of your biology.
  • Developing self-worth and open-hearted compassion for you and others.
  • Release the judgment that has been holding you hostage for so long and create true self-acceptance.

Aligned & Attuned

When we have created acceptance of our feelings and begun to build new and empowering beliefs, we can start to look forward and begin to really take care of ourselves and our needs. This could include:

  • Getting clear on what your values are and exploring how-to live-in alignment with them.
  • Boundary setting in your relationships with others and yourself.
  • Recognition of where people pleasing shows up in your life and how to eliminate it.
  • Asserting and advocating for your needs.
  • Recognising when and how to release the need to control.
  • Advocating for yourself and feeling assertive.
  • Building confidence and self-belief.

As a client what do you need to bring to the mix? Commitment to yourself and a desire to move forward. You do not need to have any answers but it’s important that you are keen and open to exploring what is going on beneath the surface.

Investing in this experience will create the potential to:

  • Enjoy life in the present moment.
  • Turn your life around.
  • Create a positive belief system that supports you.
  • Create internal safety.
  • Have awareness of stress triggers and an ability to manage them.
  • Build sustainable self-care into your life.
  • Develop and build trust.
  • Feel resourced and resilient.
  • Create self-compassion.
  • Dedicate time for you without guilt.

What Next?

Booking a free 20-minute call with me is essential to ensure we’re the right fit for your journey. This call allows me to understand your unique challenges and goals, ensuring I can provide the support you need. It also gives you a chance to gauge your comfort level with me and my coaching approach.

Together, we’ll determine if we’re a good match, setting the foundation for a successful and transformative coaching relationship.

Don’t hesitate — let’s take the first step towards breaking free from people-pleasing and embracing your true self.

How would we work together?

I work in person in Maldon, Essex, and also online via Zoom. Sessions are 60 minutes long, and we will discuss on the frequency and initial number of sessions when we begin. I do not offer one-off sessions unless we have worked together previously, and you are looking for a single session to top up or explore something further we have already worked on.

I recommend a minimum of 6 sessions to start with, meeting twice a month. After that, we can continue or adjust the frequency as needed and this is agreed between us. Many clients opt for bi-monthly sessions for a few months and then may begin to space out the sessions to every 3 or 4 weeks. It’s important to remember that it takes time and commitment to make long lasting changes in your life.

An average client journey lasts around 8-12 months, but I often work with clients for longer periods. I pride myself on the strong working relationships I create and develop.

You will be equipped with the tools and techniques to use for yourself outside of our sessions and I will often share useful resources as we work together. This is a collaborative journey that we are on together.

Clients will often contact me long after working with them to let me know they are still using the tools and techniques they learned in working with me. This is a lifelong investment in your well-being. See testimonials for more.

How would we work together?

The investment in you

Block of 6 sessions:  £720 – can be paid in full or in instalments.

Includes any resources, recordings, support in between sessions via WhatsApp/Message.

Block bookings can be repeated as required.

Ad hoc sessions after the initial block are charged at £145 per session.